Who doesn’t love a good party? I’m guessing that would be a short list. Whether you’re planning a children’s birthday party, a kegger, or just an ordinary office party, you can stop plastic pollution through some innovative party planning.

While we know that the single-use plastic cups and utensils favored at most informal parties are bad for the environment, many of us can’t afford more pricey substitutes; nor do we have the time or resources to wash and dry actual plates, cups, and silverware after an event. 

Innovative Solutions

An innovative solution to the problem of silverware is to plan your menu around items that do not require the use of spoons, forks, or knives. Best of all would be foods that do not require the use of paper plates, but if that’s not feasible, make sure to use recycled paper supplies. Then when the party’s over, recycle again!

Likewise, while swapping out plastic cups for recycled paper is a good first step, it’s certainly not the last one. Consider providing single-serve beverages that come in their own recyclable containers (such as glass bottles). If you plan to serve alcohol, consider providing low-waste cocktails. A few minor adjustments can make a big difference.

When it comes to decorations, balloons are simple choice, but a problematic one. Given the damage they have already done to the world’s ecosystems, the time has come for alternatives. For a festive pop of color, stock a few sets of reusable fabric drapes and swatches that can be used for future parties of all types. 


Many of the steps you can take to stop plastic pollution are simple ones; however, they do require mindfulness. If you wait until the last minute, it will likely be too late. That’s why you should be sure get a jump start on your party planning so that you can help eliminate waste and provide a safe, environmentally-friendly time for everyone.