How You Can Go Green While Improving Team Building at Work | Waste Wise Products

How You Can Go Green While Improving Team Building at Work

How You Can Go Green While Improving Team Building at Work

Due to continued environmental challenges facing the entire world, all people have a responsibility to try and be as green as possible. For those that work in an office, encouraging co-workers and employees to focus on the environment is also a good idea. There are several ways that you could go green in your office while also improving on team building.

Group Strategies

One way that you could focus on going green while team building would be by breaking out into small groups to strategize on ways to go green. Each team should try to develop a few concrete ideas that could be incorporated into the office that would help to reduce energy usage, encourage recycling, or otherwise make the workplace more  environmentally friendly. This will get members of your company to work together on a common goal.

Improve Your Office Together

Another way that you could make your office more green while team building would be dedicating a few hours to improving the office. With the entire team working together, you can make a major improvement to your office in just a few hours of work.

Some of the easy improvements that you can make would be to install energy-efficient light bulbs, put in smart switches to limit unnecessary electricity use, and develop a plan to reduce the amount of paper utilized.

Make It A Competition

You could also improve team building by creating team competitions that are based on how green a team is during the workweek. Some ideas for this could include determining a winner based on who creates the best green concept for the office or which team recycles the most.

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