5 Ways To Stop Naysayers from Ruining Your Recycling Culture

Recycling is an important activity that makes the environment cleaner, saves money and contributes to the sustainability of our planet. It is also one of the few things that everyday people can do to make an impact on a daily basis. In fact, recycling culture is also important in promoting this habit around the office. There are a few things that can be done to improve the culture and stop naysayers from ruining it.

1. Management Buy-In

Getting the enthusiastic support and buy-in from corporate executives is important. They cast a shadow over the entire culture and actions of key team members. Their public endorsement of recycling ensures that any naysayers will be ostracized.

2. Promotions

Everyone likes a prize. Companies that institute prizes, parties or other promotions to recyclers can quickly gain a big following. Naysayers will vanish as they do not want to be seen as preventing a group prize.

3. Goal Setting

Ambiguous goals are hard to achieve. Whether they are sales goals, efficiency goals or recycling goals, employees need a hard number to try to achieve. If a company sets out to achieve a certain number of pounds of paper or volume of PET bottles, it can monitor the result as it gets closer and closer to the goal.

4. Clear Guidelines

Recycling can be confusing for the majority of people that have not studied it. Which bottle goes in which container? Can all types of paper be recycled? Clear guidelines with pictures, descriptions, and explanation help workers know what to do when the time comes to toss their recycled products.

5. Repetition

Lastly, the message of recycling must be repeated over and over. Without repetition from leadership and other parts of the organization, people will forget, and the naysayers will return. Repetition helps to keep the message going strong.