6 Ways To Improve Your Organic Food Waste Recycling

Recycling organic waste means recycling food waste to help limit the effects on the environment that are felt by putting food in landfills. Food can be recycled as organic waste rather than ending up in landfills, which is much “friendlier” to the environment than dumping the waste into landfills.

The easiest way to eliminate organic waste is to recycle it instead of throwing it in a landfill. There are some tips on how to recycle to make the program effective as can be. These include some of the following ways to recycle your organic waste successfully as possible:

1) Check Container Size

Measure the amount of organic (food) waste you collect before ordering recycling receptacles to ensure that you are getting the proper-sized container. If the container is not big enough people will end up having to throw their organic (food) waste in the regular trash. This will result in less recycling taking place and make your recycling initiative less effective.

2) Choose Graphics For Receptacles Clearly

Determine what recycling should go in each can and mark each receptacle clearly. If people do not know what to throw in that container, it’s hard to for them to use that specific receptacle to its fullest potential.

3) Determine How to Keep Recycling in the Receptacle

The receptacle should have some sort of lid or top that helps contain the recycling that is put into the container. The factors that should be considered when determining if you need a lid on the recycling receptacles including the smell, however, if the receptacle is emptied daily the smell should not be that big of an issue.

4) Communicate Before the Launching of the Program

Communicate that you are starting to recycle organic (food) recycle so that people can participate in the program. If no one knows that the program is happening, they can hardly contribute to your efforts.

5) Measure & Assess Results

See how much you are recycling versus what you are throwing away in landfills. You can also measure how much percentage less waste you are sending to the landfills now that you are recycling than you were before.

6) Find a Company to Help You with Organic (Food) Waste Management

All kinds of companies out there that will help you set up an organic (food) waste management system to ensure you make the most of the program you are starting!

For more information on starting your own organic (food) waste management program, please feel free to contact us.