Three Tips To Get You Started On Recycling Today | Waste Wise Products

Three Tips To Get You Started On Recycling Today

Recycling has a huge impact on our lives and our communities, but many people are hesitant to start because they feel as if it may be a daunting task. With all the news about global warming and climate change, many people feel like they can’t make a difference. That couldn’t be farther from the truth!

It is easy to get started with recycling and living a green lifestyle while having an impact on your local, regional, and even the global environment. Here’s how to get started today.

Starting Small While Making A Big Impact – Recycling Bins And Beyond

Making a commitment and getting starting with a set of recycling bins is a huge step. Every item that you place in recycling containers saves that much room in a landfill, saves natural resources from being depleted, and reduces your carbon footprint. A full set of recycling bins on your curbside or taken to your recycling center every week adds up to a big change very quickly.

One of the best parts about recycling is that you can do it no matter where you are. Use your recycling bins at home, recycle while you are in the office, attending classes, and anywhere you can find recycling containers. Plus, by recycling, you will lead by example; once recycling bins start popping up in neighborhoods or at the office many other people take notice and follow that lead.

Knowing How To Fill Up Your Recycling Containers

Still, people can be reluctant to start using recycling containers. They might have difficulty sorting their waste or storing and using the extra recycling bins. Thankfully, recycling containers and their designs have improved greatly over the years. Multi compartment recycling bins plus nesting and slip together recycling containers make for easy, instant sorting while saving on space.

Much of the waste that we generate on a daily basis can be recycled. Plastic containers, aluminum cans, newspaper, office paper, magazines, phone books, electronics, and many more items can all be recycled. The best way to find out is to go to your local recycling center or contact city hall. You will be amazed at what you can put into your recycling bins.

Going One Step Further – Reduce And Reuse

You can go one step further than filling up your recycling bins. Reduce what you use and reuse what you do use. Every single item you can refrain from using has a huge impact; consider how much packaging, transportation fuel, and energy goes into every product. Use cloth napkins instead of paper and heavy duty plastic dishes for outdoor dining. Set your printer to double sided printing to cut your office paper usage in half.

After you finish using a product, find another use for it. Containers can be re-used to hold pantry items, hand soap, knick knacks, and more. Combine scrap lumber, wood stain, and a few hooks to create a decorative coat rack. The possibilities are endless.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle; start today and have an impact.

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