Why reducing food waste should be your New Year’s resolution | Waste Wise Products

Why reducing food waste should be your New Year’s resolution

Why reducing food waste should be your New Year's resolution

In a world suffering from increasingly dicey food security, it is a sad reality that, in the United States, significant food waste occurs all along the farm-to-table food supply chain. Did you know, however, that American consumers account for more of the problem than supermarkets, farm operations, or distributors? According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, on average, U.S. families spend more than $2,200 on uneaten food each year. Any meaningful effort to curb this sustainability-linked problem must start within the home.

One way to simply tackle the issue is to apply the “Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle” mantra of green living advocates. For example, to “reduce,” start by implementing a clean plate policy, and enforce that policy with any kids in the house. This policy could take many forms, but as one example, simply make every eater in the house agree to consume anything put on their plate before being excused or, in the sense of “reuse,” to pack any leftovers for lunch the next day.

In the “repurpose” category, institute a “kitchen soup bag” policy for inedible food bits created during meal preparation. Put items such as the butts of carrots, celery, turnips into a one gallon bag that stays in the freezer. When the bag is full, boil the contents down in a soup pot to make vegetable stock. (In the same vein, boil down carcasses left after meals–a turkey or chicken or ham bone, for instance–to make a wonderful, nutrient dense broth.)

These two simple measures will enable you to personally play an immediate role in addressing the broader food waste issue while educating the next generation (any kids in your household) about embracing a more sustainable lifestyle this year, and you’ll see a reduction in your grocery bill.

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One Response to Why reducing food waste should be your New Year’s resolution

  1. Avatar Elva Hill says:

    My sister and I started the year exactly this way – with the decision to start controlling pour families’ food waste and to minimize as much as possible. My opinion is that reducing food waste is a personal responsibly and mission of each one of us. I’m definitely showing your post to my friends. Thank you for sharing!

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