5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day | Waste Wise Products

5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

Since 1970, people from the United States and all over the world have celebrated Earth Day (April 22), a day of activism and recognition for how we all impact our environment. Many people take this time to do something green or encourage their governments to enact green legislation. To celebrate this green event, here are a few of our favorite actions you can do at home that create a positive impact on the environment.

1. Use alternative transportation

We know that gas emissions contribute a large amount of greenhouse gasses, so reducing our gas footprint even for one day and help the environment. Looking at alternative transportation, such as carpooling, walking, biking, or busing around town will save energy. And since Earth Day falls on a Wednesday, it’s the perfect opportunity to find the best walk, bike, or bus route to and from work.

You can also plan a carpool drive for this one day, and try to get as many people from work to carpool. If successful, it can become a more regular practice at your workplace.

2. Plant a garden

Give the Earth a much-needed hand by planting organic, local produce, plants, and trees. April is a ripe time for planting and growing crops into the rest of spring and summer, so starting your gardening project before or on Earth Day is a good way to have some of your own backyard produce on your table.

3. Shop local

Make this day or week a time to look for local, organic produce and locally made crafts. By shopping local, you’re decreasing the demand for crops that take many miles (and many tanks of gas) in traveling to get to your table. Supporting a local farm, however, reduces that mileage, increases its freshness, and gives money back into your community.

4. Have a no-electricity hour (or night)

See how long you can go without electricity with your family, in order to see how much your family relies on electric energy. Unplug the TV, shut down the computers, and have a family board game night in the dark. Even if it’s just for one hour, the practice is also a good way to see how you might be wasting electricity without knowing.

5. Get involved in local celebrations and campaigns

Many locations have state-wide sponsored celebrations and activities to help educate the public and provide resources for getting involved in local green projects. If there is one near you happening, consider attending a celebration or a meeting to see how you can help your community enact greener practices.

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