How recycling creates green jobs | Waste Wise Products

How recycling creates green jobs

Recycling Creates Green Jobs

Recycling is an issue that is discussed, and then forgotten, only to be discussed and forgotten again. However, Forbes recently discussed how corporate America is creating sustainability in the United States through recycling efforts, at least in some states.

Forbes discusses the Extended Producer Responsibility Law (EPR) that some states are embracing, and others are not. There are thirteen states that have listed seven product categories to be covered under EPR and sixteen states that have listed zero product categories. A state map can be viewed at Product Stewardship. We celebrate those thirteen states that are being proactive in recycling.

This law was designed to require companies to collect and recycle a certain percentage of the packaging waste they generate. The law is designed to require companies to take responsibility for the waste they create by recycling. 

At the same time, the law was written so the companies have freedom in how they will accomplish this recycling. Forbes states “Companies like it because it gives them some control, and environmentalists like that it could drastically improve U.S. recycling rates.” A benefit of increasing recycling is an increase in jobs. It is theorized that slightly doubling our current rate of recycling could add 1.5 million jobs in the United States.

Be one of those companies that is increasing recycling and increasing jobs in the United States. Just start by purchasing recycling bins for paper. Place them in strategic places and challenge your employees to reduce waste in your company and then celebrate their efforts. Be part of this movement in the United States to create sustainability as Forbes discussed.

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